हेतुमति असत्त्वात्३१ अधिकरणभेदेन अभावभेदादिति वाच्यम् । यत्र प्रतियोगिसमानाधिकरणत्वप्रतियोगिव्यधिकरणत्वलक्षणविरुद्धधर्माध्यास:३२ तत्रैव अधिकरणभेदेन अभावभेदाभ्युपगमो न तु सर्वत्र, तथा च साध्यवद्भिन्नवृत्तिघटाभावादेहेर्तुमत्यपि सत्त्वाद् असम्भववारणाय३३
reason31 because of the difference in the absence due to difference in the locus of it. This is because where the oppositive attributes as “the state of being co-existent with its counterpositive and state of being non-co-existent with its counterpositive32, abide there only absences are accepted different due the differene in the is substratum, not in all cases. Therefore to avoid the fault of impossibility33 because of the absence of a jar
31. Arthraiffa-Because it does not exist in the locus of the reason.
The absence of absences which exists in water, the locus of that absence is the water etc. and not mountain etc. If absence is not different from other absence on basis of the difference of locus then the locus of the absence of fireness which exists in lake etc., like it the mountain also will be its locus, because the absence of fireness exists in the mountain. The smoke exists in the mountain. Therefore there would be fault of too narrow application. When the absence is accepted different from other absence due to difference in there locuses then the absence of jarness existing in lake etc., the substratum of it is the absence of smoke. Therefore there is no fault
of too narrow application. 32. folhas Th12/14-Knowledge of opposite attributes. The absence of the
conjunction of monkey which has incomplete occurrence is accepted
different on the basis of the different locus of absences. 33. 374E4OAR -To avoid the fault of imposibility, if leaving the word