___ (३२) ननु तथापि घटाकाशसंयोगघटत्वान्यतराभाववान् गगनत्वादित्यादौ घटानधिकरणदेशावच्छेदेन घटाकाशसंयोगाभावस्य गगने सत्त्वात् सद्धेतुतया अव्याप्तिः, साध्यवद्भिन्ने घटे वर्त्तमानस्य साध्याभावस्य घटाकाशसंयोगरूपस्य गगनेऽपि सत्त्वात्, तत्र च हेतोर्वृत्तेः । न च साध्यवद्भिन्नवृत्तित्वविशिष्टसाध्याभाववत्त्वं विवक्षितमिति३० वाच्यम् । साध्याभावपदवैयर्थ्यांपत्तेः । साध्यवद्भिन्नवृत्तित्वविशिष्टवदवृत्तित्वस्यैव
(32) This is the objection that-in the inference; "this thing has the absence of one of them the conjunction of a jar with ether and jar-ness because this has ether-hood” which is a valid reason, there is fault of too narrow application, because the absence of the conjunction of jar and ether exists in ether, by the place where there is no a jar, in the jar which is different from that which has that which is to be established, and which has absence of that which is to be established, in the form of the conjunction of jar and ether, exists in either also and there reason exists.
Nor it should be said 30the state of having the absence of that which is to be established qualified by the existence in that which is different from that which has that which is to be established, because the word the absences of that which is to
30. विवक्षितम्-Desired to be said-just as the locus-ness indicated by the state
of being indicator determined by qualified existence-ness, exists only in substance not in quality etc., similarly the absence of sādhya in the form of the conjunction of ether with jar also exists only in jar and not in ether, therefore there is no fault of too narrow application.