प्रथमं लक्षणम्
विशेषणीया । अन्यथा घटान्योन्याभाववान् घटत्वत्वादित्यादौ अव्याप्त्यापत्तेः । तादात्म्यसम्बन्धस्यापि साध्याभाववृत्तिसाध्यीयप्रतियोगितावच्छेदकत्वात्८ ।
determinant of the counter-positive-ness18 of that which is to be established which exists in the absence of that which is to be established.
18. caff-Determinant of counter-positive-ness. The absence of difference from jar is the absence of sadhya which is identical with jar. The counter-positive-ness which exists in the jar is indicated by the difference from jar which (difference) is the sadhya the determinant relation of this counter-positive-ness is identity, by this relation the locus of absence of the difference from jar which is counter-positive-ness is jarness itself, there jarness-ness which is reason exists, therefore there is fault of too narrow application. When the counter-positive-ness is qualified by the state of being indicated by absolute absence, there would not be fault of too narrow application because the identity is determinant relation of the counter-positive-ness of difference and identity relation is not determinant of counterpositive-ness of the absolute absence. The inherence etc. will be determinant relation of counter-positive-ness which is indicated by absolute absence and by this relation the locus of the absence of sādhya which is jarness is jar where jarness-ness does not exist, therefore there is no occurrence, hence there is no fault of too narrow application. Thus when the absence of mutual absence is accepted as indentical with counter-positive, the counter-positive-ness should be qualified with state of being indicated by absolute absence. If it is accepted identical with the determinant of counter-positive-ness, there