प्रथमं लक्षणम्
(४) साध्याभाववदवृत्तित्वमिति 'वृत्तम्'" वृत्तिः । भावे
the absence of that which is to be established (this is the definition).
The First definition of vyapti.
(4) In this definiton (sādhyābhāvavadavrittitvam) vrittam?
7. q4-The state of being existent in that which has the absence of sādhya. In this definition "vrittam" means 'vrittitvam' occurrence. This is because the suffixes "kta" () "nistha" (g) is the word of "bhāva" (1) feature. The absence of existence is meant by the word "avrittam" (1974) which means the absence of occurrence. Non-existing of the reason in the thing which has the absence of that which is to be established (sādhya). The absence of the occurrence in that thing which has the absence of sadhya, this means the absence of occurrence (of reason) indicated by the substratum of the absence of that which is to be established, that absence of occurrence where it is found that reason is called valid reason.
On the basis of suffixes "in" which is used in the sense of "matup" (4g) existing in that which has the absence of sadhya is substratum. The feature of the reason is the existence in the substratum of the absence of sadhya. Therefore according to old naiyāyikās the meaning of the definition is "the state of having the absence of occurrence (of reason) in the locus of the absence of that which is to be established (sādhya.) This interpretation of old naiyāyikās is not admissable, because it goes against the theory of grameriaans. According to them after Karmadhāraya (4) compound the suffix which denotes "matup" (locus) should not be used while "bahuvrihi" (gif) compound