is expressed to derive the meaning of sentence, therefore the word "mahādhana” (HETETA) is not correct, because the "mahādhana” (huge wealth) is a 'karmadhāraya' compound and after this compound that suffixes which denotes the locus can't be used if the compound bahuvrihi in the form who has money Mahādhanin (HETERED) as justifies prospect to know the meaning of the sentence. Therefore to convey the said meaning the word, “mahādhana” is used and not ‘mahādhanī. Though in the sentence “sādhyābhāvavadvritti” (FTE2410agafa) there is not “karmadhāraya” compound, there is not avyayībhāva (37alstuta) compound, hence therefore there is no objection for the use suffixes which means locus, but in the expression of the rule in the word karmadhāraya is used in the sense of the compound which is different from bahuvrīhi. Therefore avyayıbhāva compound also is included as different from bahuvrihi. So like karmadhāraya compound, after avyayībhāva compound, also there would not be use of suffixes which dentoes locus. This is very well clarified in the text 'Guna-Prakāśa Rahasyam' (Tuch9RE214) and its commentary ‘Dīdhiti-Rahasyam' (Girardel) While clearing ‘Aguņavattva’. (37100ta), here it should be noted on the basis of the interpritition 'गुणस्याभावोऽगुणं तद् यत्रास्ति स 31Juala 41a: 3710TH' The absence of quality is non-quality, that where exists, that is the locus of non-quality, the nature of it is state of having non-quality. The state of having non-quality can't be a common feature of categories beginning from quality, because the absence of quality has incomplete occurrence, it exists in substance also, in the first moment of the origination of substance. Therefore by the word karmadhāraya in the order of grammer the compounds, other than bahuvrīhi should be understood. The word aguna which is avyayıbhāva compound, therefore with that compound passive-s uffixes can't be used. Therefore early mentioned multiform of bahuvrīhi compound