पर्यवसितः। विशेषाऽभावकूटस्य सामान्याऽभावहेतुता च प्रसिद्धा एवेति, अत एतन्नञ् द्वयोपादानं न निरर्थकम् ।
be established,” denoted by the expression “the state of not having deviation” therefore it is not denoted by the term “the state of not having deviation,” this is a concluding menaning of the text. It is well-known fact that the collection of absence of particular things causes the absences of things in general, therefore the use of two negatives is not purposeless (in the definition). Non-occurrence (of the reason) in that which has
5. विशेषाभावकूटस्य-The collection of absences of particular things shows
absence of things in general. Vyāpti can't be the meaning of the word “non-deviation” because it is different from occurrence (of the reason) in the thing which has the absence of 'sādhya' etc. which are denoted by the word "state of having the absence of deviation.” The inheritable concomitance (vyāpti) is not meaning of the word, “the state of having the absence of deviation (avyabhicărita)” because it is different from collection of ‘non occurrence of reason in that thing which has the absence of that thing which is to be established (sādhya) etc.' which
is the meaning of the word, “state of being non-deviation.” 6. नद्वयोपादानं न निरर्थकम्-The use of two negative particles is not
purposeless, because the collection of absences of individual thing brings out the absence in general. The negation denotes absence of thing in general. The first negation denotes the difference in general which is the meaning of non-deviation (avyabhicaritatva) and the second negation brings out the collection of absences of particular things which is expressed by the words non-occurrence (of reason) in that thing which has absence of sādhya.