(4) Yajñapati Upādhyāya ( uştufa 347827121 )
Yajñapati Upādhyāya was a Maithil Brāhmin resident of Mithilā. He was grandson of Gangesa Upādhyāya and son of Vardhamān Upādhyāya. He was born in the begining of 14th century. He had written an independent commentary on Tattvachintāmani. Except pervasion his opinion is being quoted in all matters of Nyāya. Later critics have quoted him as
Upādhyāyāstu' or 'Yajñapatyupādhyāyāstu.' (39157171FT) (यज्ञपत्युपाध्यायास्तु)
The commentary of Yajñapati Upādhyāya 'Prabhā' (TH) on ‘Tattvacintāmani' is on there parts-Pratyaksa, Anumāna, and sabda (979& 3T71 2706). He had left Upamāna. The manuscripts of Prabhā are very few. One copy is found at Goverment library of Darbhangā, in which its time is quoted 1428 saksamvat means 1486 A.D.
Prof. Dinesh rejects about his heredity that he was son of Vardhmān Upādhyāya and grandson of Gangesa Upādhyāya. He had also rejected the quotation of Sabda Kalpadruma (910G chc45h), that he was pupil of Vardhamān and Gangeśa. He is of opinion, his father was Śivapati (fprayfa) who had written ane independent book on Nyāya on the base of same Yajñapati had written his Prabhā. (5) Mathurānāth Tarkvāgisa ( H atet charitat)
Mathurānāth Tarkavāgiấa was a Bengali Brāhmin. His father Śrirām Tarkālankār (STTH nafciatori) was a famous logician. The Primary learning of Mathurānāth was from his father only. Then he went be learn Nyāya at famous logician Raghunāth siromaņi. He was resident of Manihāri (HffERT) town of Bengal.