under the introductory heading atrīyā vadanti. (अत्रीया वदन्ति )
The commentary by Raghunatha Śiromani on Tattvacintamani named Dīdhiti is a very outstanding work in the field of Navya Nyaya. There are so many commentaries written on Tattvacintamani but the honor given to Didhiti by the scholars are not given to any other work. Later Dīdhiti was commented upon by many well-known subcommentators like Jagadiśa, Gadādhara, Bhavānanda, Mathurānātha etc. (जगदीश, गदाधर, भवानंद,
) and their works are studied and discussed all over India from Himalaya to Kanyākumāri even nowadays. Apart from this work Raghunatha Siromani had also written commentary on other works like Khandanakhaṇḍakhādya, Nyāyamañjarī, ātmatattvaviveka, Kiranāvalī (खंडनखंडखाद्य, न्यायमंजरी, आत्मतत्त्वविवेक, fault) etc. Besides these he had written an independent work named Padārthatatva-nirupana (पदार्थतत्त्व - निरुपण ) where he had refused the view about separateness being a quality and space and time being categories. In his works Raghunatha Siromani had criticized the theories established by his predecessors like sāmānyalakṣaṇā, kevalānvayi, kevalavyatirekānumāna, prāgabhāva (सामान्यलक्षणा, केवलान्वयि, केवलव्यतिरेकानुमान, प्रागभाव) and the theory that the knowledge of the counterpoisitive is the cause of the knowledge of absence. Raghunatha had also established arthāpatti (presumption) (f) to be a separate means of valid knowledge etc. In this way he had given a revolutionary turn to the development of the Navya Nyaya school of the Indian logic. Therefore without any hesitation we can accept that Raghunatha Śiromani was a true Śiromani, a jewel on the crest of Navya Nyaya.