opponent in debate for Paksadhara. Hearing about the renowned scholarship of Pakşadhara Miśra, Raghunātha Siromani came to Mithilā to study under him. When after the debate with the pandits at the gate Raghunātha reached Pakşadhara the aged scholar seeing Raghunātha being blind with one eye slightly ridiculed the new student by saying. "Indra (5-5) has thousand eyes, the lord Shiva has three, we all have two eyes, who are you having only one eye ?” Siromani on the spot gave a very befitting and answer, “It is correct that Indra has thousand eyes and the lord Shiva is having three eyes. As well that it is true that all of you are blind (having no eyes) when I see with the one eye of Nyāya.” Receiving such a reply Paksadhara Miśra was very much pleased and accepted Siromani as his disciple.
By his excellence in the field of Nyāya, Raghunātha had superseded his teacher Pakşadhara. He had directly refuted several theories of his teacher in his famous commentary of Tattvacintāmani named Dīdhiti. The commentary of Paksadhara Miśra on Tattvacintāmaņi is also a very outstanding work. But Raghunātha Siromani in his treatise had proved that the doctrines which had been thought to be faultless unanimously by the galaxy of the scholars before him were defective and those which were proved by them to be wrong were declared faultless by Raghunātha when he argued in the debate. The same we can find in all of the works by Raghunātha. For example, he differs with Pakşadhara Miśra on the issue of sāmānyalakṣaṇa. At the time of debate Pakşadhara Miśra had said to Raghunātha Śiromaņi :- "single eyed by birth, why are you refuting sāmānyalakṣaṇa which is obvious in the case of doubt ?” This was answered by Dīdhitikāra in the chapter on sāmānyalaksaņa