पञ्चमं लक्षणम्
भानस्य व्युत्पन्नत्वात् समवायावच्छिन्नघटत्वावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिताकाभावस्य च कपाले विरहात् ।
(जा.३४) अस्तु वा घटत्वावच्छिन्नत्वस्येव संयोगादिसम्बन्धावच्छिन्नत्वस्यापि प्रतियोगित्वांशे संसर्गमर्यादयैव भानं तृतीयान्तसमभिव्याहारस्य नियामकत्वाच्च नातिप्रसङ्गः । 'घटानधिकरणं; भूतलम्' इत्यादौ तु लक्षणया अधिकरणपदमेव घटाधिकरणार्थकं घटपदं तु तात्पर्यग्राहकम्, अन्यथा अनधिकरणपदेन अधिकरणसामान्यभिन्नत्वोक्तौ च भूतले तस्य बाध: स्यात् । न च घटान्वितस्यैव अधिकरणस्य भेदस्तत्र नञा बोधनीयः समासान्तर्गतनत्र उत्तरपदार्थमात्रान्वयित्वव्युत्पत्तेः ।
relation conjunction is identical with the absence of substanceness qualified by pot by the relation inherence, because when there is proximity of word ending with third case, the counter-positive-ness which is expressed by that, is apprehended as a relation and the absence having the counterpositive-ness determined by pot-ness and the relation of inherence, does not exist in the part of the pot.
___(J.34) Or let it be a cognition of the state of being determined by the relation of conjunction limitation in the counter-positive-ness by the expectancy (samsargamaryādā) just like the state of being determined by pot-ness and because of the proximity of word ending with third case is a limiter. Therefore there is not fault of too wide application. In the notion “the ground is non substratum of pot’ the word substratum denotes the substratum of pot by implication and the word pot is conveyer of the intention of speaker, otherwise