अन्वयितावच्छेदकत्वस्थले तु नोपलक्षितघटत्वावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगित्वमेव, तथा नीलो संयोगेन घटो नास्तीत्यादौ तृतीयाविभक्तेर्नावच्छिन्नत्वमर्थः संसर्गीभूतप्रतियोगितायां तदन्वयासम्भवात्,* किन्तु अवच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिताकत्वं प्रतियोगितामात्रं वा अवच्छिन्नत्वसंसर्गेण संयोगादेस्तत्रान्वयादेव विशिष्टलाभात् ।
(जा.३३) न च एवं संयोगेन घटाभावस्यैव समवायेन घटविशिष्टद्रव्यत्वाभावतया समवायेन कपाले घटो नास्तीति व्यवहारापत्तिः, तृतीयान्तसमभिव्याहारस्थले तदुपस्थाप्यप्रतियोगित्वस्यैव संसर्गतया
conjunction there counter-positive-ness determined by indicated pot-ness, is a relation. In the notion, 'there is not a pot by the relation of conjunction' semantic the meaning of third case is not the state of being determined, because in that case there would not be the connection of that with the counter-positive-ness, which is a form of relation, but state of having a counter-positive-ness determined by (somathing) or only counter-positive-ness is the relation, due to the connection of conjunction with it by the relation of state of being determined by (something), there is apprehension of a qualified thing.
(J.33) And it should not be stated that-in this way, there should be usage that 'there is not a pot in the half of the pot by the relation of inherence,” this is because the absence of pot by
★ Editor's Note : ‘पदार्थापदार्थयोरन्वयस्य निराकाङ्क्षत्वात्, पदार्थः पदार्थेनान्वीयते इति
नियमाच्च' This text is available in printed book of 'व्याप्तिपञ्चक' with Jāgdiśi which is explained by Vāmācaranbhattacārya but not translated by translator.