पञ्चमं लक्षणम्
वच्छिन्नत्वम् । अतः प्रमेयं नास्तीत्यादौ घटत्वावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगात्वसम्बन्धेनैव प्रमेयत्वावच्छिन्नत्वस्यैव अभावांशे भ्रमत्वमित्यपि प्रत्युक्तं, घटत्वादेरन्वयितानवच्छेदकतया तदवच्छिन्नप्रतियोगित्वसम्बन्धेन प्रमेयत्वविशिष्टस्य अन्वये निराकाङ्क्षतया तथा शाब्दस्य असम्भवाद् इति ध्येयम् ।
___ (जा.३२) नीलो घटो नास्तीत्यादौ नीलघटत्वस्य अन्वयितावच्छेदकत्वे तादृशधर्मावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगित्वमेव संसर्गो, न तु नीलत्वादिप्रत्येकधर्मावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगित्वम्, नीलपटस्य पीतघटस्य च अधिकरणे तादृशप्रयोगापलापापत्तेः नीलत्वोपलक्षितस्य घटत्वमात्रस्य
has no the state of being substratum of that which is determined by the state of being knowable, by that relation. Therefore in the notion that 'there is no knowable there is the state of being error of the state of being determined by state of being knowable, in the absence by the relation of counterpositive-ness determined by potness. This also is refuted, because there is no expectancy for the connection of that which is qualified by state of being knowable, by the relation of counter-positive-ness by that (pot-ness) because pot-ness is not the determinant of the state of being related, therefore there is no possibility of verbal cognition, this should be understood.
(J.32) “There is not blue pot,” here when the state of being blue pot is a determinant of state of being related, the counterpositive-ness determined by that attribute alone is a relation and not the counter-positive-ness determined by every individual like blue potness etc. this is because there would be the fault of refuting of the usage of that in the substratum of blue and yellow pot. Where only potness indicated by blue-ness by the relation