पञ्चमं लक्षणम्
त्वोपगमाच्च द्रव्यं पृथिवीत्वादित्यादौ द्रव्यत्वत्वविशिष्टद्रव्यत्ववत्वावच्छिन्नभेदाप्रसिद्ध्या नाव्याप्तिरिति भावः '
७० I
mutual absence determined by the state of having that which is to be established, does not exist because of that, which has the counter-positive-ness determined by the state of having that which is to be established qualified by determinant of the state of that which is to be established which is presented by word 'that which is to be estalished', is related, by identity relation with 'difference' which is the part of the meaning of different, when the cumbersome attribute is accepted as determinant, there is no fault of too narrow application70 in the inference;
fifth definition is the absence of occurence (of reason) in the locus of mutual absence, counter-positive-ness of which is indicated by state of being determinant which is determined by the determinant of the state of being sadhya. Therefore the mutual absence of that which has fire and jar and the mutual absence of kitchen which has fire, cannot be taken and the mutual absence of that which has fire only can be taken according to early mentioned mutual absence of locus, that absence exists in water etc., where smoke does not exist. Therefore there is no fault of too narrow application in the inference, "this has fire because of smoke." This is the idea.
:-No fault of too narrow application. Just counterpositive-ness does not happen determined by heavy property is not proved and the attribute which is qualified by heavy property cumbersome also is not proved. Therefore, taking in to account the mutual absence of that which has substanceness qualified by subsance-ness the fault of too narrow application in the inference "this is substance because of earthness." This is the idea.