(जा.२६) यद्धर्मविशिष्टबोधकपदसमभिव्याहृतेन अन्यादिपदेन उपस्थापिते अन्यत्वादौ तद्धर्मावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिताकत्वप्रकारेणैव तादात्म्येन अन्वयो, न तु तद्धाश्रयप्रतियोगिताकत्वेन इत्यत्र व्युत्पत्तौ प्राचां संवादमाह न हीति। तथा च तादृशव्युत्पत्त्यस्वीकारे नीलघटे घटप्रतियोगिकभेदसत्त्वात् नीलघटो घटान्य इत्यपि व्यवहारः स्यादिति भावः ।
(जा.२७) अत्र च द्रव्यं घटान्यदित्याद्यप्रयोगात् यद्विशिष्टप्रति
'this is substance because of earth-ness' due to nonestablishement of the mutual absence of that which is determined by the state of having substance-ness qualified by substance-ness-ness. This is the idea.
(J.26) The difference which is expressed by the word different which is semantically connected with the word which conveys that qualified by which particular attribute, is related by identity as having as qualifier the state of having counterpositive-ness determined by that particular attribute, and not having as qualifier the state of having the counter-positive-ness which exists in that which is the substratum of that particular attribute. In this theory author points out agreement of old logicians by the expression ‘not because. Therefore if such theory is not accepted there would be such a usage that 'the blue-pot is different from a pot. This is because there is mutual absence which has a pot as its counter-positive. This is the idea.
(J.27) And here the mutual absence as having counterpositive-ness qualified by which particular attribute should be known by the term difference etc. because there is no usage as