योगिताकत्वं व्युत्पत्तिबललभ्यम् । न हि भवति नीलो घटो घटादन्य६८ इति । इति व्याप्तिपञ्चकस्य रघुनाथशिरोमणिकृता
दीधितिव्याख्या समाप्ता ॥ (जा.२५) ननु साध्यवत्प्रतियोगिकान्यत्वस्य धूमादिमति सत्त्वादव्याप्तिरत आह-अत्रेति । तथा च साध्यवतपदेन निरूढलक्षणया उपस्थापितस्य साध्यतावच्छेदकविशिष्टसाध्यवत्वावच्छिन्नप्रतियोगिताकस्य अन्यपदार्थैकदेशे अन्यत्वे तादात्म्येन अन्वयात् साध्यवति च साध्यवत्त्वावच्छिन्नभेदासत्त्वात् न अव्याप्ति:६९ । गुरुधर्मस्य अवच्छेदक
apprehended through denotative function, because bluepot is not diffferent from a pot.68
Thus the commentary on Vyāpti-Pañcaka by Raghunātha siromaņi is over.
__ (J.25) The difference from that which has that which is to be established, exists in that which has smoke. Therefore there is a fault of too narrow application, hence author says 'here.' In this way, there is no fault of too narrow application69 because in that which has that which is to be established, the
68. न हीति–“Not just" This is different from the jar. Here jar is connected
with the meaning of difference by relation state of being counterpositive-ness determined by potness different from that which has sādhya which is here also the thing that which has sādhya is connected with difference by the relation of state of being counter
positive-ness determined by state of being sādhya. 69. नाव्याप्तिरिति-No fault of too narrow application. Because of meaning of