l'or publishing the Prakriyasangralia I had at first at my disposal only two MSS, one from the Government Oriental Manuscripts' Library and one from Sravanabalagola, but afterwards I obtained an incom. plete copy from the Jaina Math at Cittamur near Tindivanàm.
Panini vefers to Sukatayana as a previous gram. marian, and this supplies a reason why the latter makes no mention of the former. Sakatayana's name occurs also in the Pratisakhyas of the Rgveda and Sukla-Yajurveda, and in Yaska's Nirukta.
The Colopbon at the end of each Pada of the Sabdanusasaba names this grammar as the work of Sakatayana Srutakeralidesiyacarya, the president of the great Jaina assembly: 96197#TAFITà: takaisaitयाचार्यस्य शाकटायनस्य. . Panini repeatedly mentions Sakatayana, and the places thus alluded to are also found in the Sabdanu. sasana. Panini III. 4, 111; VIII. 3, 18; and VÍII. 4, 50 correspond respectively to Sakatayana's HIIGLETT
el ( pp. 35, 9 and 220, 290, arpsala (pp. 8, 12 and 14; 65), and 7 1 (pp. 6, 18 and 9, 31).
Patanjali in his Mababhasya refers also to Sakatayana, when lie comments on Panini III. 4, 111 and III. 3, 1 ( JOITT 1654 ) In the latter place he remarks :
नाम च धातुजमाह निरुक्त व्याकरणे शकटस्य च तोकम् ।.... वैयाकरणानां च शाकटायन आह धातुजं नामेति ।।
Aho ! Shrutgyanam