(%) सङ्ख्यातं नोपसंख्यानं यस्य शब्दानुशासने तस्यातिमहती वृत्ति संहृत्येयं लघीयसी । Á DUTEHOT Titra tã HOT !.... इन्द्रचन्द्रादिभिश्शाब्दर्यदुक्तं शब्दलक्षणम् । तदिहास्ति समस्तं च यन्नेहास्ति न तत् क्वचित् ॥ गणधातुपाठ्योर्गणधातून लिंगानुशासने लिङ्गगतम् ।
औणादिकानुणादौ शेषं निश्शेषमत्र वृत्ती विद्यात् " The Sutra patha, with which I begin this edition, * The first Pada of the first Adhyaya con- consists as the
..tains 180 Sutras. verse on page The second
160' declares
of 3236 Sutras, The third . ,
a number The fourth , .,
which coinci. The first second
des with that The second
» 172 ,
contained in The third 2
this book, if The fourth
the seven SuThe first third., 2013
tras which are The second
supplied in the , 227,
Corrigenda et The third 1
Addenda are The fourth ,
,, 146 ,
added.* When The first fourth', 271 , I commenced The second , , , 261 »
printing the The third , , , 209
Sutrapatha I The fourth
, 186 .
possessed only
one defective Total... 3,236 MS., but M.R. The Corrigenda contain four more sutras Ry. Brahmain the first pada and one respectively in the suri Sastri of 2nd, 3rd and 4th padas of the first Adhyaya. Sravapa--balagola provided me later on with two other copies.
123 ,,
ne second
Aho ! Shrutgyanam