The Forbes Gujarati Sabha has great pleasure in placing before the public interested in historical researches, this collection of Inscriptions, Copperplates and other writtings relating to Gujarat which have been carefully edited and annotated by a learned scholar Mr. G. V. Acharya B. A. the curator of the Archaeological section of the Prince of Wales Museum, Bombay. Some of the materials forming part of this collection were the property of the late Mr. Ranjitram Vavabhai, who was a very enthusiastic student of the antiquarian literature and folklore of Gujarat and the Sabba purchased his materials which have formed the nucleus of the present compilation.
This publication is one and a very important one-of the series of publications relating to historical researches connected with Gujarat and Gujarati literature, for which the Sabha has laid down a definite programme. The other parts of this series which have been already published are Prabandha Chintamani, Chaturvinshati Prabandha (both with anota tions and Gujarati translations), A description and the genoologies of the ruling dynasties and the fortresses of Gujarat, treatises on Vaishnava, Shaiva and Shakta seots of religion prevailing in Gujarat, and various other minor publications. The other works which are next to be undertaken are translation of Ratnamal a Hindi historical poem on Gujarat and treatise on Baudha religion, its extent in Gujarat and effect on Gujarati Litarature. A new poetical version of the Mahabharat in Gujarati by differant ancient poets is also in the press, the first part-of which is near completion.
Over and above these publications, The Sabha has recently published a third edition of the Gujarati translation of the welknown historical work Rasmala by Mr. Alexander Kinlock Forbes.
The Sabha hopes that the learned world of Gujarat and elsewhere will derive appreciable help and profit by these publications of the Sabha and it will be a great source of gratification to it if the object of the Sabha is thus fulfilled.
Bombay 1-5-33
H. V. Divatia
Hon Secretary, The Forbes Gujarati Sabha,
"Aho Shrut Gyanam"