Rs. A.
39. Nyāyapraveśa (190an), Part II (Tibetan Text):
edited with introduction, notes, appendices, etc., by Pandit Vidhusekhara Bhattacharyya, Principal,
Vidyabhavana. Visva bharati, 1927, pp. 27+67 .. 40. Advayavajrasangraha (5227957): consisting of
twenty short works on Buddhist philosophy by Advayavajra, a Buddhist savant belonging to the Ilth century A.D., edited by Mahāmahopadhyāya Dr. Haraprasad Sastri, M.A., C.I.E., Hon. D.Litt.,
1927, pp. 3968 .. 42. 60. Kalpadrukośa (4943an ) : standard work on
Sanskrit Lexicography, by Keśava : edited with an elaborate introduction by the late Pandit Ramavatara Sharma, Sahitvacharva, M.A., of Patna and index by Pandit Shrikant Sharma, 2 vols., 1928-1932, vol. I
(text), pp. 61+485 ; vol. II (index), pp. 283, 43. Mirat-i-Ahmadi Supplement (fria-- aftfue):
by Ali Muhammad Khan. Translated into English from the original Persian by Mr. C. N. Seddon, I.C.S. (retired), and Prof. Syed Nawab Ali, M.A. Illustrated.
Corrected reissue, 1928, pp. 15-+222 44. Two Vajrayāna Works (1277 ): comprising
Prajñopāvaviniscavasiddhi of Anangavajra and Jñānasiddhi of Indrabhūti-two important works belonging to the little known Tantra school of Buddhism (8th century A.D.): edited by Dr. B. Bhatta
charyya, 1929, pp. 21+118 .. 45. Bhāvaprakāśana (475T): of Sāradātanava, a
comprehensive work on Dramaturgy and Rasa, belonging to A.D. 1175-1250; edited by His Holiness Yadugiri Yatiraja Swami, Melkot, and K. S. Ramaswami
Sastri, Oriental Institute, Baroda, 1929, pp. 984410 46. Rānacarita (Tafta): of Abhinanda, Court poet
of Haravarsa probably the same as Devapāla of the Pāła Dynasty of Bengal (cir. 9th century A.D.): edited
by K. S. Ramaswami Sastri, 1929, pp. 29+467 .. 47. Nañjarājayasobhūsana (1979EUU); by Nrginha
kavi alias Abhinava Kālidása, a work on Sanskrit Poetics and relates to the glorification of Naõjarāja, son of Virabhūpa of [vsore: edited by Pandit E.
Krishnamacharya, 1930, pp. 17+270 .. 48. Nātyadarpaņa (7122 ): on dramaturgy, by
Rāmgacandra Sūri with his own commentary: edited by Pandit L. B. Gandhi and G. K. Shrigondekar,
M.A., 2 vols., vol. I, 1929, pp. 23+228 .. 49. Pre-Dinnāga Buddhist Texts on Logic from Chinese
Sources ( RTR): containing the English translation of Sataśāstre of Aryadeva, Tibetan text and