Rs. A. English translation of Vigraha-vyāvartani of Nāgārjuna and the re-translation into Sanskrit from Chinese of U pāyahrdaya and Tarkaśästra: edited by Prof. Giuseppe Tucci, 1930, pp. 30+40+32+77 +89+91 ..
9-0 50. Mirat-i-Ahmadi Supplement (#717-7-9 of fue):
Persian text giving an account of Guzerat, by Ali Muhammad Khan: edited by Syed Nawab Ali, M.A.,
Principal, Bahauddin College, Junagadh, 1930, pp. 254 6-0 51, 77. Trişastiśalākāpuruşacaritra (feafen geeft):
of Hemacandra, translated into English with copious notes by Dr. Helen M. Johnson of Osceola, Missouri, U.S.A., 4 vols., vol. I (Adiávaracaritra), pp. 19+530, illustrated, 1931; vol. II, pp. 22+ 396, 1937
. 26-0 52. Dandaviveka (zwfaaa): a comprehensive Penal Code
of the ancient Hindus by Vardhamana of the 15th century A.D.: edited by Mahāmahopadhyāya Kamala Krsna Smrtitirtha, 1931, pp. 34+380 ..
8-8 53. Tathāgataguhyaka or Guhyasamāja ( a):
the earliest and the most authoritative work of the Tantra School of the Buddhists (3rd century A.D.):
edited by B. Bhattacharyya, Ph.D., 1931, pp. 39+210.. 4.4 54. Jayakhyasamhita (orgt frai): an authoritative
Pañicarátra work of the 5th century A.D., highly respected by the South Indian Vaisnavas : edited by Pandit E. Krishnamacharya of Vadtal, with one illustration in nine colours and a Foreword by B.
Bhattacharyva, Ph.D., 1931, pp. 78+47+454 .. 12-0 55. Kāvyālankārasārasamgraha ( ICFITETCEZ): of
Udbhata with the commentary, probably the same as Udbhataviveka of Rājānaka Tilaka (11th century A.D.): edited by K. S. Ramaswami Sastri, 1931,
pp. 48+62 56. Pärānanda Sūtra (artara): an ancient Tantric
work of the Hindus in Sutra form giving details of many practices and rites of a new School of Tantra : edited by Swami Trivikrama Tirtha with a Foreword
by B. Bhattacharyya, Ph.D., 1931, pp. 30+106 .. 3-0 57, 69. Ahsan-ut-Tawarikh ( 19-va-qafter): history
of the Safawi Period of Persian History, 15th and 16th centuries, by Hasani-Rumlu: edited by C. N. Seddon, I.C.S. (retired), Reader in Persian and Marathi, University of Oxford, 2 vols. (Persian text and translation in English), 1932-34, vol. I, pp. 36+-510; vol. II, pp. 15+301
. 19-8 Padmānanda Mahākávya ( TUR 14a); giving the life history of Reabhadeva, the first Tirthankara of the Jainas, by Amarachandra Kavi of the 13th century: edited by H. R. Kapadia, M.A., 1932, pp. 99+667
.. 14-0
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