Rs. A. 27. A Descriptive Catalogue of MSS. in the Central
Library, Baroda (STETITE TEO): compiled by G. K. Sbrigondekar, M.A., and K. S. Ramaswami Shastri, with a Preface by B. Bhattackaryya, Ph.D., in 12 vols., vol. I (Veda, Vedalaksaņa, and Upanişads),
vol. I, 1925, pp. 28+264 28, 84. Mānasoljāsa or Abhilaşitärthacintămani (Araret
H): an encyclopædic work treating of one hundred different topics connected with the Royal household and the Royal court, by Somesvaradeva, a Chalukya king of the 12th century : edited by G. K. Shrigondekar, M.A., 3 vols., vol. I, 1925, pp. 18+116; vol. II, 1939, pp. 50-+304 ..
.. ..
7-12 29. Nalavilāsa ( faci): a drama by Ramachandrasūri,
pupil of Hemachandrasuri, describing the Pauranika story of Nala and Damayanti : edited by G. K,
Shrigondekar, M.A., and L. B. Gandhi, 1926, pp. 40+91 2-4 30, 31. Tattvasangraha (977): a Buddhist philo
sophical work of the 8th century, by Santaraksita, & Professor at Nalandwith Panjikä (commentary) by his disciple Kamalasila, also a Professor at Válandă: edited by Pandit Embar Krishnamacharya, with a Foreword by Dr. B. Bhattacharyya, 2 vols., 1926, vol. I,
pp. 157+80+582 ; vol. II, pp. 4+353+102 .. 24-0 33, 34. Mirat-i-Ahmadi (f#cia-3- a): by Ali Mahara
mad Khan, the last Moghul Dewan of Gujarat: edited in the original Persian by Syed Nawab Ali, M.A., Professor of Persian, Baroda College, 2 vols.,
illustrated, 1926–1928, vol. I, pp. 416, vol. II, pp. 632 19-8 35. Mānayagrhyasūtra (HICZ76): a work on Vedic
ritual (domestic) of the Yajurveda with the Bhagya of Astāvakra: edited with an introduction in Sanskrit by Pandit Ramakrishna Harshaji Sastri, with a Preface by Prof. B. C. Lele, 1926, pp. 40+264 ..
5-0 36. 68. Nātyaśāstra (1941): of Bharata with the com.
mentary of Abhinavagupta of Kashmir: edited by M. Ramakrishna Kavi, I.A., 4 vols., vol. I, illos. trated, pp. 27+ 397, 1926 (out of print); vol. II, pp. 23+25+464, 1934 ..
5-0 37. Apabhramśakāvyatrayi: (
9 2 01) consisting of three works, the Carcari, Upadeśarasāyana, and Kālasvarūpakulaka, by Jinadatta Sīri (12th century) with commentaries: edited with an elaborate introduc
tion in Sanskrit by L. B. Gandhi, 1927, pp. 124+115.. 4-0 38. Nyāyapraveśa ( 7 ), Part I (Sanskrit Text): on
Buddhist Logic of Dinnāga, with commentaries of Haribhadra Suri and Pārsvadeva: edited by Principal A.B. Dhruva, M.A., LL.B., Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Hindu University, Benares, 1930, pp. 39+104 .. (ut of print.