512 Jinabhadra Gani's
[ The eleventh Punyaphalam dunkhameva kar nodayalah phalamiva păpasyai Nanu pāpaphale’pi samam pratyakşavirodhitä сaiva. 11456!' (2004) ]
Trans.- - 456 " On account of ( the rise of ) Karma, the fruitieni vf virtuous deeds is even distressłnl like the fruition of sirs. The saine is really the case with the fruition of sins alst). " And it is a nothing but ) clear contradiction ( 2004 )
टीका -चक्रर्वतिपदलामादिक पुण्यफल निश्चयतो दुःखमेव, कर्मोदयजन्यत्वान्, नरकत्वादिपापफलवत् । परः पाह-ननु पापफलेऽपि समानमिदम् तथाहि-अत्रापि वक्तुं शक्यत एतत्--उक्तं पापफलं दु खत्वेनाभिमतं परमार्थतः सुखमेव, कर्मोदयजन्यत्वात्, पुण्यफलवत् । एवं च बदतां प्रत्यक्षविरोषिता, खसंवेद्यमुख--दुःखयौवैपरीत्येन संवित्त्यभावादिति ॥ ४५६ ॥ (२००४)
D. C.- Bhagavāna.--Like pūpī phalas, the punya phalas liko that of attaining cakravarta pada ( sovereignty of the world ) etc. are also distressful on account of their being produced by Karma.
Prabhāsa:--The same could be said of pupa phałas as well. The pāpa-pha as although known as distressful are in reality happy, on account of their being produced by Karma.
Bhagavāna:--Since you have not understood the real sense of sukha-duhkha, you have said so. But it is really contradicting. ।। 456 ॥ (2004) जत्तो चिय पञ्चकग्वं सोम्म ! सुहं नस्थि दक्वमेवेदं । नपडियारविभत्तं तो पुण्यफलं नि दुखं नि ।। ४५७ ।। (२००५)
Jatto cciya paccakkham Somma | suham natthi dukkhamévédam Tappadiyāravibhattam to puņņaphalnm ti dukkh'ım ti 114571 (2015)
[यत एव प्रत्यक्ष सौम्य ! सुखं नास्ति दुःखमेवेदम् । तत्पतीकारविभक्तं तत: पुण्यफलमिति दुःखमिति ॥ ४५७ ।। (२००५)
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