Jinabhadra Gapi' [The ninth सत्तावर्तिनः कर्मण इदं कुर्यात् । ग्रहणकाले पुनन मिश्रं पुण्यपापरूपतया संकीर्णस्वभावं कर्म बन्नाति, नापोतरदितररूपता नयतोति ॥३९०॥ (१९३८)
D. C.-The composite state of Karma could be explained in this way also:-A Karma which is apprehended previously may attain subha, a-śubha or migra condition or it may also turn itself better or worse. The later pure parināmas would purify the previous evil pudgalas and turn them right, while on other hand, impure pariņāmas would spoil the previous virtuous pudgalas by means of excessive heights of sentiments etc and turn them guile. Thirdly, the parināmas which are half-way between purity and impurity, would turn the Karma into a composite state of virtue and vice
In this way, with regard to Karma of former existence, three states-viz śubha, a-subha and śubhāśnbha-are possible. But, at the time of new apprehension of Kurma, the parināma is not able to form a composite Karma of punya and pāpa combined together, and hence there are only two states 11 390 11 ( 1838 )
Now, the process of changing virtue into vice, and vice versa referred to above, is explained as follows:-- मोत्तण आउयं खलु दसणमोहं चरित्तमोहं च ।
सेसाणं पगईणं उत्तरविहिसंकमो भजो ॥ ३९१ ॥ (१९३९) Mottūņa āuyam khalu damsaņamoham carittamoham ca, Sésānam pagaiņam uttaravihisamkamo bhajjo II 391 ( 1939 )
मुक्त्वाऽऽयुष्कं खलु दर्शनमोहं चारित्रमोहं च ।
शेषाणां प्रकृतीनामुत्तरविधिसंक्रमो भाज्यः ।। ३९१ ।। (१९३९) Muktvā ayuskam khalu darśanamoham cāritra moham ca Śéşāņām prakritinamuttaravidhisamkramo bhāsyah 11 391 / 1939 )||
Traus.---391 Excepting the ( constituents belonging to )
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