432 Jinabhadra Gani's
[The ninth Karmaprakarsajanitam tadavasyam prakarsānubhūtéḥ i Saukhyāprakarşabhūtiryathā Dunyaprakarsaprabhavā 11 383 il
Trans.--383 Just as the experience of abundance of happiness, is caused by the abundance of virtuous actions, the experience of the abundance of miseries is also produced by the abundance of sinful actions. ( 1931 )
टीका-तद् दुःखबहुलत्वं पुण्यापकर्षजनितं न भवति, किन्तु स्वानुरुपकर्मप्रकर्षजनितम्, प्रकर्षानुभूतित्वात्-वेदनामकर्षानुभवरूपत्वादिति हेतुः, यथा सौख्यप्रकर्षानुभूतिः स्वानुरूपकर्मप्रकर्षप्रभवेति दृष्टान्तः ॥ ३८३।। (१९३१)
D. C.--Abundance of miseries is not due to the want of virtuous actions, but it is due to the abundance of sinful actions, just as abundance of happiness is due to abundance of virtuous deeds, and not due to the diminution of sinful deeds, ॥ 383 ।। ( 1931 )
Moreover, तह पज्झसाहणप्पगरिसंगभावादिहाणहा न तयं । विवरीयबासाहणवलप्पगरिसं अवेस्खेज्जा ।। ३८४ ॥ (१९३२) Taha bajjhasăhaņappagarisangabhāvādihannaha na tayam Vivariyabajjhiasāhanabalappāgarisam avékkhéjjā || 384 W ( 1932) [ तथा वाह्यसाधनप्रकर्षाङ्गभावादिहान्यथा न वत् विपरीतबाह्यसाधनबलप्रकर्षमपेक्षेत ॥ ३८४ ॥ (१९३२)
Tathā bāhyasadhanaprakarsāngabhāvādihānyatha na tat, Viparitbāhyasādhanabalaprakarşamapékséta 1 348 11 ( 1.32 ) )
Trans.-384 It is so, on account of the abundance of external elements also. ( For ), otherwise, it would not require the excessive force of the external, ( as well as ), opposite elements. ( 1932 )
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