318 Jinabhadra Gani's
( The sixth ya juttie na ghatai suvvai ya suisu bandha-mokkhā tti Téņa tuha samsao'yam na ya kajjo'yam jahā suņasu 126411 (1812) [इति युत्कया न घटते श्रूयते च श्रुतिषु बन्धमोक्षाचीति ।
तेन तव संशयोऽयं न च कार्योंऽयं यथा श्रुणु ॥ २६४ ॥ (१८१२) Iti yuktyā na ghațate śrūyate ca śrutişu bandha-modşăviti Téna tava samsayo'yam na ca kāryo'yam yatha śșiņu 1126411 (1812)]
Trans --- 264 Thus, by means of the above-mentioned argument, bandha and woksa do not fit in. Still however, it is heard in the Vedas (that they exist). This doubt of yours -which is (absolutely) improper-is due to that So, listen to me (now). (1812)
टोका--इत्येवं युक्तयुक्त्या बन्धो मोक्षश्च न घटते, श्रयते च श्रुतिषु वेदवाक्येष्वसौ। ततस्तव संशयोऽयम् । यथा चायं न कार्यस्तथा श्रृणु सौम्य ! इति। उक्तः पूर्वपक्षः ।। २६४ ॥ (१८१२)॥
D. C.-The arguments advanced by you do not lead one to prove the existence of bandha and nokşu as seen above. But since it has already been found in Vedas that they exist, your doubt has come into existence, which is totally unworthy of you. Now, listen to me. 264 (1812). संताणोऽणाईओ परोप्परं हेउ-हेउभावाओ। देहस्स य कम्मस्सं य मंडिय ! बीयं-कुराणां व ॥ २६५ ॥ (१८१३) Santāņo'nālo paropparam héu-héubhāvão i Dehassa ya kammassa ya Mandiya ' biyam-kurānām va n265n(1813) [संतानोऽनादिकः परस्परं हेतु--हेतुमद्भावात् ।
देहस्य च कर्मणश्च मण्डिक ! बीजा--ऽङ्करयोरिव ।। २६५ ॥ (१८१३) Santano'nadikah parasparam hetu-hetubhavati Dehasya ca karmanasca Mandika 1 bija nikurayoriva n2651 (1813)]
Trans.--265 Since body and Karma are mutually related
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