: 140: Jinabhadra Gani's
[The third Abhattho ya Jindņam jāi-jarā-paraṇavippapukkòņam , Nāmèņa ya gottèņa ya savvaņņū savvadarist nam. 100 (1648)
( 37aan farata Fifa-ati-hati agama i
नाम्ना च गोत्रेण च सर्वज्ञेन सर्वदर्शिना ॥ १०० ।। (१६४८) Abhasitaśca Jindna jāti-jarā-maranavipramuktona i Nannā ca gotroņa ca sarvajndna sarvadarsinā. 100 (1648)]
Trans.--100 He was addressed by his name and lineage by the Tirthankara who was free from birth, old age, and death, who was all-knowing, and who had complete darśana (undifferentiated knowledge ). (1648).
D. C:--Alhough thus respectfully and directly addressed by the Lord and seeing the beauty and splendour of his emigence extending over the three worlds, and being unable to disclose the doubt remaining in his mind, out of agitation Vāyubhūti remained silent with amazement. But we was again addressed thus :तज्जीव तस्सरीरं ति संसओ न वि य पुच्छसे किंचि। वेयपयाण य अत्थं न याणसी तेसिमो अत्थो ।। १०१॥ (१६४९) Tajjiva tassariram ti samsao na vi ya pucchasè kimci Vayapayāņa ya attham na yāṇabi tesimo attho. 101 (1649) [ तज्जीवस्तच्छरीरमिति संशयो नापि च पृच्छसि किञ्चित् ?।
वेदपदानां चार्थ न जानासि तेषामयमर्थः ॥१०१॥ (१६४९) Tajjtvastochartramiti samsayo nãpi ca priochasi kimcit ? | Vadapadānām sārtham na jāngsi təşāmayamarthaḥ. 101 (1649) ]
Trans. 101 You entertain the doubt as to whether that which is jiva is sarira itself and yet you do not ask me (about it ). But (ca) you do not know the real meaning of Vada-padas. Here is their real interpretation. (1649),
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