jain acharyas
Shrut-kevali Bhadrabahu-swami
The last in the order of "shrut-kevalis" (knower of all the canonical literature), Bhadrabähu-swämi was also the last leader of the undivided Jain congregation.
Anticipating a 12-year famine across North India, he migrated with a group of monks to South India bringing with him
Chandragupta, the aging founder of the Mauryan Empire turned Jain monk. Among many of his compositions, Kalpasutra and Uvasaggaharam Stotra are the most popular ones.
4th Century BC
Kunda-kunda the Golden Philosopher
Jainism's towering pillar of wisdom, this first century Ächärya emphasized the innate purity of the soul and led people to new peaks of spirituality. Although he wrote eighty-four scriptures, his seminal work was the Samaysär.
Umäsväti a Lustrous Pearl
That Which Is Tartha Siara
A Classic Je Manual for
the True
2nd Century AD
2nd Century AD
With his vision beyond the limits of tradition, he systematized Jain canonical teachings into a coherent philosophy. He was the first Ächärya to use Sanskrit to write Jain text. His Tattvärtha-Sutra is a work of genius that includes a comprehensive summary of all aspects of Jain philosophy.