jain acharyas
Fearless Siddhasen Diwakar
Ächärya Siddhasen also presented the Jain literature in Sanskrit, the literary language of his age. For this, he was expelled from the order for twelve years. He could not just blindly follow beliefs without testing the truth of them first. His larger than life
personality and remarkable literary achievements are beyond compare. He established a distinct school of thought on Jain logic in immortal works like Nyäyavatär and Sanmati-Tarka.
5th Century AD
Acharya Kalak-breaking tradition
Adaptation to the needs of the age and permission to follow the exceptions to the rule is Jainism's hallmark. This is precisely what Ächärya Kälak did to free Sädhvi Saraswati. Though a Jain Sädhu, Kälak chose to fight the unjust king who kidnapped the Sädhvi. He even inspires today's generation to go beyond rules to answer the call of time and circumstances.
Manatungsuri a Mystic
Composer of Bhaktämar Stotra, an unparalleled lustrous gem of devotional literature, Ächärya Mänatungsuri was a talented scholar and prodigious monk. Each word of his poem reveals his enlightening devotion and infinite faith in the first Tirthankar, Lord Ädinäth.