ALVANIAC Tatvärtha Sutra is recognized by all Jain traditions as the earliest, most authoritative and comprehensive summary of Jain Dharma. It gives a detailed explanation of the universe, the place of humanity within it, and the path through it to liberation. Tattvärthadhigama Sutra the full title of this seminal work by Acharya Umäswati
means A Manual for Understanding All That Is. It encapsulates the religious, ethical and philosophical contents of the Jaina scriptures and places them in
context of the school of logic and philosophy that flourished in India in the second century. This was the first Jain canonical work written in Sanskrit
Twadde att
That Which Is
Tattartha Sutra
A Classic Jain
Manual for
the True Nature of
Tattvartha Sutra is based on the premise that the goal of human life is liberation and the path
to liberation is through Enlightened Intuition, Enlightened Knowledge and Enlightened Conduct. «Gamuao-darshana-inäna-chäritrani mokshamärgah”