138 vations 73
aa ag mgd aaqentAa aresare fired qacfag
artis ntfs, & aasig smite faamarreufa, ane:
vizeaig faferasifinatg aqeatg tatg i wearer star, oT
away, fear feat afefa, aagr: sefsararenciot aa
afengaensist | gat ayaaa aqe-nepa arsratt ford
ugfag evanits w] oetis, Woo woig ciciig ot faarmar-
aeafa, aagr : vizealg fatcraifnate aqeatg aafg 1 aie
SME Tat 1 KATE H Wale oT BaTe oT Ufarafa, ya a
aafa a ataeafa a, aa fafag arag ataq sear gafgu
free 1 & oer area ta afersrar oy wari ore ara freer
cata alesis oo wari ore ata fire 1
ag warge—arrefga, aH ret st a Seay ara ae arqate
at (afear, aca, wer ste afer) & tft free ars sat at Aa.
ofa et ataar 13 dhe are ware A face (peer) mTS18
a. Te aif2. fearaf 3. ages aif site w. Sarah A
The ignorant, unvigilant towards Karma and devoid of the four
dimensional discipline (non-violence, truth, non-theft, and non-possessi-
veness), is drawn into the eight types of bondages, These Karmas
precipitate in four directions which are; hellish, animal, human and
vite Garda eo 8) gg: capa apgH Fa eT aH ga
wet & oot at wna8, femgy ream wate gare rer fk wel
wer at at ata BF ad F -—-svorfrara fart araq ofeag fata |
Indulging repeatedly in activity, the animate thing continuesto
suffer the consequences of his own deeds, but ha does not suffer the
consequences of others deeds. The activities range from refraining
from violenceto refraining ftom possessiveness.
ae arge—aeay aaa, waters Harel eT ae eT Ay ATT
aay srgatn aah ar oaH rers wee aT afer at et aiaaT 8 1
Baaat are saree fara ws Haat weg gta 31 Fara,
fara, ager ate Ba |