31, ag wer 137
8. Spontaneous and resultantare the two forms ofdestiny.
[e.] werentaff nat
ag. mqaeir gia & eh fe sea 2 1
9. Thera is mobility and henceit is called destiny (Gat).
[a] seantet sitar, seemaerat
(a) sett (femeege) ote gta ote aerate gear
A, Animate things evolve andinanimate things degress,
(a-a.] crareras vf sari oferta, rae
gear |
aa. wrpieiter sta afea (arafrrara) a nfs ae 21
Trrntaier site Geral at af Ho oT dea gray 21
B & C. Indulgence in evil deeds resuits in movement towards)
destiny. Evil doer also pushes inanimate things.
[a] o warfe oar agaet cerita 1
& gear amadt warts age oa Hier aT area aE FEAT
0. He whois under the influence of destiny can neverattain
Mokshaorvoid of sorrow.
[3] warst sian, fray fegr Safa, ange : avonfa
arast ara afzenget |
& STH aa GAT: HT BY TR Seay Gar edt a, Fahy
wat aut at atedt 21 tat ee sare 8a ara, afere 1
E. indulging repestedly in the activity the animate thing
continues to suffer the consequences. The activities range from killing
to hoarding.