Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
I bow down to 24 Pathfinders after purifying the mind, speech and body by contemplating, reprehending, repenting and despising my sins in presence of the spiritual preceptor. 50
Explanation: As is the custom recitation of this stotra begins with first paying homage to the five supreme beings, followed by asking for forgiveness for any transgressions committed while following the house holder's vows (shrävaka vratta) which a Jaina layperson will take in preparation for an ascetic life.
35. Äyaria Uvajjhäe Sutra
Object: Prayer of forgiveness.
Sutra and Meaning: આયરિય-ઉવજઝાએ, સીસે સાહમિએ કુલગણે અ, જે મે કઈ કસાયા, સવ્વ તિવિહેણ ખામેમિ. ૧ äyaria uvajjhäe, sise sähammie kula gane a; je me kei kasäyä, savve tivihena khämemi. 1 With mind, speech and body, I beg for forgiveness for violations, I may have committed due to passions, towards leaders of monastic congregation, ascetic teachers, their disciples and members of their congregation. 1 સબ્યસ્સ સમણસંઘસ્ય, ભગવઓ અંજલિં કરિઅ સીસે, સવ્વ ખમાવઈત્તા, ખમામિ સવ્વસ્ટ અહયં પિ. ૨ savvassa samana sanghassa, bhagavao anjalin karia sise; savvam khamävaitta, khamämi savvassa ahayam pi. 2 I respectfully ask for forgiveness from the entire ascetic community for any wrongs I may have committed to them and forgive them for any wrongs they may have committed onto me. 2 સવ્વસ જીવરાસિસ, ભાવઓ ધમ્મનિહિઅનિયચિત્તો, સવ્વ ખમાવઈત્તા, ખમામિ સવ્વસ્ટ અહય પિ, ૩ savvassa jiva räsissa, bhävo dhamma nihia nia chitto; savvam khamävaitta, khamämi savvassa ahayam pi. 3