Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
I respectfully ask for forgiveness from all living beings for any wrongs I may have committed to them and forgive them for any wrongs they may have committed onto me. 3
36. Sua Devaya Stuti
Shruta Devatä ni Stuti
Object: Hymn of praise to Goddess of Learning Sarasvati Devi
Sutra and Meaning: સુઅદેવયાએ કરેમિ કાઉસગ્ગ અન્નત્ય. સુઅદેવયા ભગવઈ, નાણાવરણીય કમ્મસથાય, તેસિં ખવેઉ સચચે, જેસિ સુઅસાયરે ભરી. suadevyäe karemi käussaggam annattha. suadevayä bhagavai, nänävaraniya kammasanghäyam; tesim khaveu sayayam, jesim suasäyare bhatti. I stand in body-abandonment posture and offer my prayer to Goddess of Learning, Sarasvati Devi. O Goddess of Learning! Destroy the knowledge obscuring Karma (Jnänvarniya) of those men who always worship the Holy Writ, the ocean of right scriptural knowledge.
Explanation: Only prayers are offered to heavenly gods and they are not worshiped, because they are unable to observe any vows or restraints.
37. Kshetra Devatä Ni Stuti
Object: Hymn of praise to Guardian Deity of Space (Kshetra Devatä)
Sutra and Meaning: ખિત્તદેવયાએ કરેમિ કાઉસગ્ગ અન્નત્ય, જિસે ખિતે સાહૂ, ઇસણનાણહિં ચરણસહિએહિ, સાહતિ મુફખમગ્ગ, સા દેવી હરઉ દુરિઆઈ.