The Apabhramsa Passages From SP
दिणहदिवठहो इति स उप्पिन्जइउ सुरेविओ।
अवरणेह मिहइ धरुमादालन्च हि दूरे ॥ The first line seems to be something like.
दिणह दिवडउ होइ तिस उप्पिज्जइ ऊसूरे।
Then the second line can be constituted as :
विओअवरणेहमिहइ घर मा ता वच्चहि दूरे ॥
No definite connected meaning can be made out. The metre seems to be Doha.
9. The illustration of Visama Matrācchandas (SP. p. 121 ). The text as given in. the SP.
जइविगव्डहीजइ विवन्डुरव्हु पहुदुव्गमुतरु अरहीजइ विगहणेसूरु । विणदीसइ इतो इसु पुरिसु वसदि जहीते धुवठहरहब अळदि ॥
The suggested reconstruction :
जइ वि गड्डहिं जइ वि बब्बुरहिं पहु दुग्गमु तरुअरहिं जइ वि गहणे सूरु वि ण दोसदि । तो इ सुपुरिसु वसदि जहिं तेत्थु पट्टहरह (?) पअट्ट दि ।
In the fifth line the middle portion seems to be defective.
The Sanskrit chāya :
यदि अपि गतः यदि अपि बर्बुरैः पन्था दुर्गमः तरुवरैः यदि अपि गहने सूर्यः अपि न दृश्यते । तथा अपि सुपुरुषः वसति यत्र तत्र ...... प्रवर्तते ॥
The metre is to be identified as Mātra with its fourth line the Mattabālika type. It isa five-lined metre with 15, 11, 15, 12, 15 Matrās respectively for its consecutive lines, of which the third line rhymes with the fiftho.
10. The illustration of one variety of Visesana-visaya-guna nimitta Gaunivrtti (SPp.228). The text as given in the SP.:
छदा...... वळअ दीहिअहिमंघल्लहिनि अदेह ।
अन्नजीदिहर-लोअणहोतहोमुहअंदहोरेव ॥ 9 See Sai.desarāsaka, Introduction, pp. 66-67 and the references given there.