પણ આપણે જે જોઇએ છીએ તે છે. બિશપ બલિ તે એટલે સુધી આગળ જાય છે કે જે આપણા મનમાં નથી તેનું અસ્તિત્વ નથી. આપણા મનની બહાર જે જે વસ્તુનુ અસ્તિત્વ છે તે તે પ્રભુના મનમાં છે. તે આ વસ્તુ ન સ્વીકારીએ તે માનસશાસ્ત્રની અવગણના થાય. [૪] “—that ideas are whatever is perceived and these are the only realities, that these realities exist only so for as they are perceived-. The possibility of any permanent relations or signification in these ideas is provided by supposing that God is the permanent upholder of those ideas.
History of Philosophy by Dr. Veberwy, Ges. S. Morris' Translation, P. 384.
આગળ સરાવા:
"When we perceive a tree, the real tree existing without our mind is truly known and comperhended by [tlhat is, exists in tle infinite mind of God." Every unthinking thing is, from the very nature of its existence, perceived by some mind; if not by a finite created mind, yet certainly existing by the infinite mind of God, "in whom we live, move and have our being !”
Stephen's Problems of Metaphysic, P. 118.