N. L. Jain
current, heat, light and matter. It The Jaina Canons contain large
could be surmised that the last four amount of descriptions about the
categories could not develop in olden physical phenomena in the world
times. The author has pointed out besides the main spiritual processes
earlier about the varieties ia games, and discussions. Their knowledge is
stages and values of time units de. sensory in the first instance which
scribed in Jaina canons of various is analysed by mind to give proper
- 2 form and explanations. Barring supe. ages. This does not make it possible rsensory knowledge, all other forms to evaluate and compare the accurate are primarily relative and qualitative meanings for the descriptions based Their accuracy and absolutism is ,
on them. It was, therefore, suggested possible only through measurements that there must be uniformity of These give reliabilty and credibility
names, stages and equivalent values to the descriptions. The jaina scholars in current units for the canonical knew this fact and that is whay time measures. Likcwise, length units they have written general and special
also require evaluative.coasideration.
also treatises in this direction. The It is for
It is found that there is no such accuracy of the descriptions contained
variety in length units described in in them depends upon the standard
canons as time. Still, there is no units used. There have been three main
uniformity in their names and values areas of measurements since the
used. The current paper is meant to carliest times : mass or volume, emphasize the importatice of uniforlength, distance or arca aud time. In mity in length units and to activate contrast, the International Congress the scholars to move in this direction. on Weights and Measures, 1971 have Concept of Monsuroiment In Jalan accepted seven areas under this cate
Canons ! gory-mass, distance, time, electric Jaina canons have coined the
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