term of Mean or Pramana for the space. Time units measure from process of measurement. Though one samaya unit of time to infinite
38 time units and bhaya (quality) mcaAnuyogadvarasutra (ADS), Bhagavati sures knowledge, perception, view.
points and numbers. All these four (B) Trilokaprajnapti Jampudvipapra
paraworldly measures of Akalanka jnapti and other canons do not men- are covered by the four general tion classification of measures, but measure types of ADS. In contrast Rajavartika(RV) and Trilokasara the SK10 has five types of measures 28
separating view-point type from (TS) have accepted two varieties of
bhava of ADS. The paraworldly measures : laukika or worldly and
nature of these measures seems to lokottara or paraworldly. The frst
be the creation of Akalanka of 7th category is mainly related with
century who has many credits of weight, volume, cost or number of
the type. In addition, the ADS has materials and has six subclasses
classified the units of time, matter These are virtually measures of mass
and length in two varietes-spacepoint (drávyamana) only. Thouge' ADS and
based and division based. The first RV seem to include the length mea
one has atom as the basis while the sures through the variety of avamana,
other has five varieties of matter .but TS has described it as a measure
units to which Akalanka has added of volume. This seems to be more
tatpramana as the sixth variety under reasonable in view of the description.
worldly matter units. The division
ba: ed basic units of time and length The paraworldly variety includes the measure of length and time. It
are samaya and angula respectively.
In contrast, Akalanka has these two has actually for subclasses -dravya varieties of units for length alone. (matter), kşetra (length in all res. The authors of B, TP and JDP do pects), kala (time) and bhava (quality). not propound any paraworldly meaThe matter-measute gives us the sures like Akalanka. węght and volume of materials from The ADS has three main classes the smallest atom to the largest carth of bhava (quality) measure with The length measure gives us the many subclasses thereupon. The Bhadistance, area and volume of one gavati does not have these types. space unit to the last of the world Akaļanka has mentioned only up
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