________________ 90. - जे उ तत्व विउस्सन्ति, संसारे ते विउस्सिया // -सूत्रकृतांग 1.2.23 83. सतो य अत्वि, असतो य नत्थि गहरामो दिट्ठी, न गहरामो किंचि / / -सूत्रकृतांग 2.6.12 84. “जैनदर्शन सार, द्वितीय अध्याय 85. तत्वार्थ सूत्र 5.30 86. दलसुख मालवषिया “आप्तमीमांसा" 87. तत्वार्थसूत्र 1.1 88. डॉ. मोहनलाल मेहता “जैन धर्म-दर्शन' 89. जयगुंजार (मार्च 86) पृ.६ मुनि श्री नथमल “उपनिषद् पुराण तथा महाभारत में श्रमण संस्कृति का स्वर” नामक लेख “हजारीमल स्मृति ग्रंथ से 91. “प्राचीन भारतीय साहित्य प्रथम भाग, पृ. 183 92. महाभारत शांतिपर्व 201.8 201. 11, 12 93. वही 201.10, 11 94. तैतिरीय आरण्यक, प्रपाठक 10, अनुवाक 6 15. श्रमण (अप्रेल-जून 94), पृ. 131 96. Dr. Radhakrishnan "Indian Philosophy" (Hindi Translation), P. 268 ' "It is also true that owing to their long associatton with the Hindus, who formed the majority in the country, the Jains have adopted many of the customs and even ceremonies strictly observed by the Hindus and pertaining to Brahminical religion." Mr. Justice Rangrekar Bombay High Court, A.I.R. 1939, Bombay 3m. . "A Jain will do nothing to hurt the feeling of another person, man, woman or child, nor will he violate the principles of Jainism. Jain ethics are meant for men of all position for king, warriors, traders, artisans, agriculturists and indeed for men and women in every walk of life. Do your duty and it as humanely as you can do. It is the primary principle of Jainism." V. Smith "History of India" P. 53 97. 98. 000 जैन धर्म का इतिहास / 36