________________ | सन्दर्भ-सूची 1. डॉ. पी. सी. जैन "हरिवंश पुराण का सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन" पृ. 43 c. at $ 3. डॉ. नेमिचन्द्र जैन “आदि पुराण में प्रतिपादित भारत" पृ. 192 4. जैकोबी “सेक्रेड बुक्स ऑफ द ईस्ट" खण्ड 22 एवं 45 (भूमिका) 4. "The Nigganthas (Jains) are never referred to by the Buddists as being a new sect, nor is their reputed founder Nataputta spoken of as their founder, whence Jacobi plausible argues that their real founder was older than Mahavira and that this sect preceded that of Budda." --Prof. EW. Hopkins "Religion of India" P. 283 6. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan "Indian philosophy" (Hindi Translation) P. 236 7. डॉ. पी. सी. जैन "हरिवंश पुराण का सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन” पृ. 56 6. "Vide Samprati" P. 336 (M.B. Niyogi "Jain Shasan" P. 321) 8. "An eminent archacologist says that if we draw a circle with a radius of ten miles, having any spot in India as the centre, we are sure to find some jain remains within that circle." -"Vide Kannad Monthly Vivekathyudaya" P. 96; 1940 (same) "In some cases monuments which are really Jains have been erroneously described as Buddists." V.Smith "The prejudice that all stupas and stone railings must necessarily be Buddhist, has probably prevented the recognition of Jain structures as such, and upto the present only two undoubed Jain stupas have been recorded." : -Dr. Fleet Imp. Gaz.....vol. 11, p. 111 (Same, P tl. Same, P. 296 PP. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan "Indian Philosophy" (Hindi Translation) P. 233 13. "Heprestan" . 348 (4 8868) PX. "Now it is true as later historical researches have shown that Jainism prevailed in this country long before Brahminism came into existence on converted into Hinduism." Mr. Justice Rangrekar, Bom. High Court, A.I.R. 1939, Bombay. 377. "There is very great ethical value in Jainism for man's improvement. Jainism is very original, independent and systematic doctrine. It is more simple, more rich and varied than Brahmanical systems and not negative * like Buddhism." -Dr. A Guiernot 31 / पुराणों में जैन धर्म