________________ 92 CATUHSATAKA (245 245 CSV : gz'an yan ya mtshan can thams cad kyis bdag tu hdzin pa dan l bdag girl hdzin pa rnam pa thams cad zad par bya hahi phyir grol ba khas blans te deui phyir de dag la grol bahi gnas skabs na = अन्य। सर्वैः पाषण्डिकैरात्मग्राहात्मीयग्राहयोः सर्वथा क्षपणीयत्वान् मुक्तिरभ्युगता। तस्मात्तेषां मुक्त्यवस्थायाम्-। gal te bdag ces bya yod na bdag med snam pa mi rigs sin | de nid rig pa nes pa las mya nan hdas hgyur z'es byahan brdzun || 20 || In a Vx of CSV wrongly adds ba after bya . In b after snam Vx of C$ par for pa, while that of CSV ste for it. In c V with Vx of CS rigs for rig; and for nes which is supported by Vxx of CS and CSV V reads des which does not give here any sense. It seems, however, that he was aware of that reading (nes), for he gives its Skt. equivalent, nunam (a), though wrongly construed. In d V and Vx of CSV gyur for hgyur. V nunam atma yadi bhaven nairatmyam naiva bhavyate suyuktito'pi nirvanam vitatham tasya jayate || 20 || I cannot follow V specially with regard to the second half of his restoration. Nor is there anything in the Tib. text for his su in suyuktito (c) and tasya (d). I may offer the following: भवेदात्मेति चेन्नैव युक्तं नैरात्माचिन्तनम् / तत्त्वज्ञानेन नियतं निर्वाणमिति चानृतम् // 20 // CSV: gal te bdag ran gi no bos yod na ni deni tshe ran gi no bo la Idog pa med pahi phyir thar pahi gnas skabs na yan yod pa nid du hgyur ro || dehi phyir thar pahi gnas skabs naa bdag tu hdzin paui rgyu gegs dbyun med pahi bdag yod pahi phyir bdag med do z'es de Itar bdag tu hdzin pa spans pa mi rigs so dehi phyir bdag gi de kho na nid rig pa nes pas bdag tu hdzin pa 1 x gar. * Di.