The author of this work having two commentaries (1) big and (2) small, is Mahopādhyāya S'ri Vinaya Vijaya Gani. He is the son of Rajas'ri wife of the S'resthin Tejahpala. Mahopadhyāya S'rt Kīrtivijaya is his dikşågurii and Mahopädhyāya Sri Somavijaya a fellow-brother of his dikşăguru is his Vidyāguru. Vinayavijaya is an author of several works such as Lokaprakas'a, S'antasudhārasa etc. Over and above he is a commentator of Kalpasūtra etc. He has flourished in the 17th to 18th centuris of Vikrama era. He is a collea. gue of Mahopadhyāya Yas'ovijaya endowed with titles such as Nyāyavis'arada etc., who cherished affection for him.
This Haimaprakas'a is an essence of several grammars, chief of them being Siddhahemas'abdānus'āsana composed by Kalikalasarvajña Hemacandra Süri who gave right instrucsions to Siddharāja and Kumārapăla, the kings of Gujarat and various other rulers. In this grammar these are sűtras of Siddhahema but the commentaries form a digest of several grammars ancient and modern. It is not possible to come across a grammar simpler and more instructive than this. So students interested in Sanskrit should study this grammar printed at the excellent Nirnaya-sägar Press on handsome paper.
Now we shall say a few words about Haimalingănus'asana which is in press. It forms a part and parcel of Siddhahaima composed by Kalikālasarvajña S'ri Hemacandra Sūri, pupil of Shri Devacandra Sūri. It comprises 139 verses. This work will be soon published along with the Svopajnavivarana and Durga. padaprabodha of Sri Vallabhavacaka. In the end it is furnished with alphabe. tical indices very useful to students, one dealing with words in Vernaculars and the other with words noted in the text.
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