as a Rajashree as well as the upholder of law, protector of law and the executor of law aiming at bestowing the highest benefit to men. It is with this lived in personal example kharavel unveiled a new religious faith and belief in Jainism which gave birth to syncretic and synthetic humanism that made Orissa famous as a land of meaningful religious toleration. Buddhism, Jainism and Brahminism moved together with least internal strives even with different ruling dynasties professing different religious creed.
Prof. Jain has ably dealt with this aspect with suitable and relevant references derived from the Hatigumpha inscription. His attempt to codify the jain monuments spread in the nook and corner of Orissa had made relevant contribution to the history and popularity of jainism in Orissa.
I hope, this work will go a long way in projecting Jainism of Orissa in the history and culture of India with specific contribution of Kharavel for the spread of jainism.
(S.C. Panda)
Vice-Chancellor Utkal University of Culture,
Jain Education International
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