Sūta", "Sutta' and 'Süya' are as a matter of fact, the Prakrit forms of 'Sütra' only. These different formations led to the imagination of the three attributive titles.
Originally, all the Angas were delivered by lord Mahāvīra and brought into a composed form by Ganadhara. Then, how can this Agama only be called "Sūtrakṣita'? Similarly, the second title, too, is common to all the Angas. The third is the significant basis of the title of this "Āgama'. As the conduct has been ascertained in the context of a comparative preception (Sütrnā) in this Agama, it is concerned with 'Sućana'. The Samawāya and the Nandi clearly state this -
Sūyagade ņam sasamayāsühajjanti, Parasamaya Sühajjanti sasamayaparasamayā suhajjanti. What is preceptive is called a "Sutra'. The background of this Agama mainly consists of preceptive element. Its title is, therefore, "Sūtrakṣita'.
Another thought, which seems to touch the 'reality more closely, can be put forth regarding the title 'Sutrakṣita'. The Driştiwāda is five fold
1. Parikarma 2. Sutra 3. Pūrwānuyoga 4. Pūrwāgata 5. Cūlikā
According to Acarya Virasena the Sūtra has an account of other philosophers. As this Agama was composed on that basis only, it was given the title "Sūtrakrita.' This meaning seems to be more logical than the other etomological meanings of the word 'Sutraksita'. The 'Suttagada' and the "Suttanipāta' of the Budhists seem to be identical in their titles.
Anga and Anuyoga
This Agama has the second place in the Dwādāśāngi. There are four kinds of Anuyoga---
1. Čaranakaranānuooga. 2. Dharmakathānuyoga. 3. Ganitānuyoga. 4. Drawyānuyoga.
1. (a) Samawao, paissagasamawao, Sutra 90.
(b) Nandi, Sutra. 82. 2. Kasayapa huda, Part 1, page 134.
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