6. Dhuya--non-attachment. 7. Mahaparinna--Enduring properly the Parișahas and Upsargas born
of 'Moha'. 8. Vimokkha - Proper observanes of 'Niravaņā' (the final state). 9. Uvahanasuya-Explanation of the conduct observed by lord Mahā
Ācārya Akalanka holds that the total matter of the Aćārānga is concerning the 'Čarya-Vidhana' (mode of behaviour and conduct). While Aparājit Suri opines that it is the ascertainment of the conduct of the Ratna-trayi'?
The Title
This Āgāma, the second part of the Dwādasāngi, is given the title as Süyagado'. The Samawāya, the Nandi and the Anuyogadwār, all the three Āgāmas have this title only for it. Bhadrawāhu-Swami, the Niryuktikāra has given three titles of this Agama according to its tributes.
1. Sūtagada-Sütaksita 2. Suttakada--Sūtrakrita 3. Sūyagada--Sūćākrita
Originally this Agama is 'Sūta' (hails from) by lord Mahavira and was given the form of a work by ganadhara. This is, therefore, entitle as 'Sutakrita'.
As the truth in it has been ascertained according to the 'Sütrā', it is "Sutraksita'.
As the 'Sućanä' of 'Swa' and 'Para' Samaya has been given in it, it is called 'Sūćā-krita.'
1. Mularadhna, Aswasa 2, Sloka 130, vijayodaya :
Ratnatrayacarana nirupanaparataya prathamabhangamacare sabdenocyate. 2. (a) Samawao, Paissagamawao, Sutra. 88.
(b) Nandi, Sutra. 80.
(c) Anuogadwarain, Sutra. 50. 3. Sutrakritanga-niryukti, Gatha 2:
Sutagadam, suttakadam, suyagadam cewa gonna-in,
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