9. Renunciation of passion for woman.
10. Rules to receive the alms.
11. Bed without woman, Creature, eunuch etc.
12. Purity in movement.
13. Purity of language.
14. Method of begging cloth.
15. Method of begging bowls.
16. Purity of habit (Avagraha). 17. Purity of Place (Sthana).
18. Purity of 'Visadya".
19. Purity of "Vyutsarga".
Renunciation of attachment to sound
21. Renunciation of attachment to form.
22. Giving up 'Parakriya'.
23. Giving up 'Anyonya-kriya".
24. Steadfastness to the Five Mahävitas.
25. Libration from 'Sarvasangas' (all associations).
The Niryuktikåra has enumerated the topics of the nine Adhyayanas of Brahmacarya as under:
1. Satya Parinna-Jiva Samyama.
2. Loga Vijaya-Knowledge of bondage and libration.
3. Siosanijja-Equanimity of pleasure and pain.
4. Sammatta-Right vision.
5. Loga-Sara-Renunciation of worthless and adoration of the Ratnatrayi, worthy in the world.
1. Acaranga Niryukti, Gatha 33-34:
Jiyasamjamo a logo jaha bajjhai jaha ya am pajahiyav vam, Suhadukkhatitikkhaviya sammattam logasaro ya.
Jain Education International
Nissangaya ya chatthe mohasamuttha parisahuwasagga,
Nijjanam atthamae nawame ya jinena evamti.
2, Tatwartha Rajavarttika, 1/20.
Acare carya-vidhanam sudhyastaka panlasamiti-triguptivikalpam kathyate.
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