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Fifteenth Indri Pada: Second Uddeshaka ] [ 197 (1048-4 प्र.] Bhagavan! (Many) Nairyakas' victory, Vaijayanta, Jayanta and Aparajitdev's past Dravyendriyas, how many are they? [1048-4 उ.] Gautam! There are none. [प्र.] (Their) bound (Dravyendriyas) how many are they? [उ.] (Gautam!) There are none. [प्र.] (Their) rewarded (Dravyendriyas) how many are they? [उ.] (Gautam!) They are innumerable. [5] And Savasiddhagadevatte vi / [1048-5] (Nairyakas') Sarvarthasiddhadevatva form (the statement of past bound rewarded Dravyendriyas) should also be known in the same way. 1046, and as far as Panchendriyatirikhchonyan's Savvadassiddhagadevatte is to be spoken / better than Vanaphatikaiya's victory-Vaijayanta-Jayanta-Aparajiydevatva, Sarvarthasiddhadevatva, the rewarded Dravyendriyas are infinite. In the case of humans and Sarvarthasiddhadev's, the bound Dravyendriyas in their own place are innumerable, in the other place, the bound Dravyendriyas are not there, in the case of Vanaphatikaiyas, the bound Dravyendriyas in their own place are infinite. [1049] (From Asurakumars) as far as (many) Panchendriyatirikhchonyan's, as far as (from Naryakattva) Sarvarthasiddhadevatva form (till) (the statement of past bound rewarded Dravyendriyas) should be done in the same way (as before). The special thing is that Vanaphatikaiyas' victory, Vaijayanta, Jayanta and Aparajitdevatva and Sarvarthasiddhadevatva form rewarded Dravyendriyas are infinite. Except for humans and Sarvarthasiddhadev's, the bound Dravyendriyas in their own place are innumerable, in the other place, the bound Dravyendriyas are not there, in the case of Vanaphatikaiyas, the bound Dravyendriyas in their own place are infinite. 1050. [1] Manussan's Nairyakatte perceived Dravyendriyas are infinite, bound Dravyendriyas are not there, rewarded Dravyendriyas are infinite / [1050-1] Humans' Nairyakattva form perceived Dravyendriyas are infinite, bound Dravyendriyas are not there, and rewarded Dravyendriyas are infinite / [2] and as far as Gevejjagadevatte. Not in their own place, perceived Dravyendriyas are infinite, bound Dravyendriyas are sometimes countable and sometimes innumerable, rewarded Dravyendriyas are infinite / [1050-2] Humans' (from Asurakumartva) as far as Aveyakdevatva form (the statement of past bound rewarded Dravyendriyas) should be understood in the same way (as before). The special thing is that (humans') past Dravyendriyas in their own place are infinite, bound Dravyendriyas are sometimes countable and sometimes innumerable, and rewarded Dravyendriyas are infinite. [3] Manusan's, Bhagavan! Victory-Vaijayanta-Jayanta-Aparajiydevatva, how many are the past Dravyendriyas? Countable.