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## Ninth Yoni-pada [519 Yoni and its types - Explanation]
The word 'Yoni' is derived from the root 'yu mishrane', which means 'that in which there is a mixture'. Its classical definition is: A being with a tejas and karman body, in which the community of pudgalaskandha suitable for the bodies of audarik etc. are mixed, that is Yoni. Here, Yoni refers to the place of origin of living beings.
**Cold Yoni:** A Yoni that is the result of cold touch.
**Hot Yoni:** A Yoni that is the result of hot touch.
**Cold-Hot Yoni:** A Yoni that is the result of both cold and hot touch.
**The Yoni of the Seven Narakas:** Generally, there are only two Yonis for the Nairyikas - cold Yoni and hot Yoni. The third, cold-hot Yoni, does not exist for them.
**Which Yoni is in which Naraka-earth?** The commentators explain: The areas of origin (upapat) of the Narakas in Ratnaprabha, Sharkaraprabha and Balukaprabha are all transformed by cold touch. Except for these areas of origin, the rest of the places in these three earths are transformed by hot touch. Therefore, the Nairyikas with cold Yoni here experience hot sensations.
In Pankaprabha earth, most of the areas of origin are transformed by cold touch, while a few areas are transformed by hot touch. In the Prastatas (rocks) and Narakavasa where there are areas of origin with cold touch, the rest of the places are hot touch, and in the Prastatas and Narakavasa where there are areas of origin with hot touch, the rest of the places are cold touch. Therefore, many cold Yoni Nairyikas experience hot sensations, while a few hot Yoni Nairyikas experience cold sensations.
In Dhumraprabha earth, many areas of origin are transformed by hot touch, while a few areas are transformed by cold touch. In the Prastatas and Narakavasa where there are areas of origin with hot touch, the rest of the places are cold touch, and in the Prastatas and Narakavasa where there are areas of origin with cold touch, the rest of the places are hot touch. Therefore, many hot Yoni Nairyikas experience cold sensations, while a few cold Yoni Nairyikas experience hot sensations.
In Tamahprabha and Tamatamahprabha earth, all areas of origin are transformed by hot touch. The rest of the places there are cold touch. Therefore, the hot Yoni Narakas there experience cold sensations.
**Why are the Yonis of Bhavanavasi Devas etc. cold-hot?** The areas of origin of all types of Bhavanavasi Devas, Garbhaja Tiryanch Panchendriya, Garbhaja Manushya, and Vyantar, Jyotishka and Vaimanika Devas are transformed by both cold and hot touch, therefore their Yonis are of both cold and hot nature (cold-hot).
Except for the Tejaskaayikas, the Yonis of the Prithvikaayikas etc. are all hot Yoni. This is directly proven. Except for them, the areas of origin of all other Ekendriya, Vikalendriya, Sammachhim Tiryanch Panchendriya and Sammachhim Manushyas are cold touch, hot touch and cold-hot touch, therefore their Yonis are said to be of all three types.