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[This is the Nishītha Sutra. They also give permission to consume *vigaya* after understanding the necessity and deciding the quantity. In the absence of the *prācārya*, permission can also be taken from the *upādhyāya*. Because both these degree holders are *gītartha* only. In the absence of both of them, permission can also be taken from the one who is the main *gītartha*. It is not permissible for any monk to wander without the subordination or proximity of the *gītartha*.
3. *Aṇṇayarṁ vigaiṁ* - any *vigaya* from the five *vigayas*. The five *vigayas* are: 1. Milk, 2. Curd, 3. Ghee, 4. Oil, and 5. Jaggery-Sugar.
In the ninth *ṭhāṇa* of the *Ṭhāṇāṅga Sutra*, nine *vigayas* are mentioned, and out of them, four *vigayas* are called *mahāvigaya* in the fourth *ṭhāṇa*. Therefore, by implication, the remaining five are called *vigayas*. The four *mahāvigayas* are: 1. Butter, 2. Honey, 3. Alcohol, 4. Meat. Out of these, two, alcohol and meat, are *aprashasta mahāvigaya*, and are completely forbidden for the seeker, because the consumption of alcohol and meat is said to be the cause of hell in the fourth *ṭhāṇa* of the *Ṭhāṇāṅga Sutra*.
In *Daśavai. Cha. 2, Gā. 7*, the monk is called "**amjjamansāsi**". That is, the monk does not consume alcohol or meat.
Generally, the consumption of the five *vigayas* is forbidden, so the question of consuming *mahāvigaya* does not arise. However, honey and butter *mahāvigaya* are not completely unacceptable.
The consumption of all five *vigayas* can be done only after taking permission in case of unavoidable necessity, and the consumption of the two *prashasta mahāvigayas* cannot be done without fear of disease, etc. The following verses are from the *āgamas* regarding the prohibition of *vigaya*:
1. *Lahvitti susantuṭhe.*
- *Daśavai. A. 8, Gā. 25*
2. *Paṇīyarasabhoyanaṁ visan tālauḍaṁ jahā.*
- *Daśavai. A. 8, Gā. 57*
3. *Paṇṭāṇi ceva sevejjā, sīyapīṇḍapurāṇakummāsaṁ. _ Adu bukkasaṁ pulāgaṁ vā, javaṇṭṭāe nisevae mathu.*
- *Uttara. A. 1, Gāthā 12*
4. *ṇo hīlae piḍaṁ nīrasaṁ tu, paṇṭakulāiṁ parivvaē sa bhikku.*
- *Uttara. A. 15, Gā. 13*
5. *Paṇīyaṁ bhattapāṇaṁ tu, khippaṁ mayavivaddanaṁ. Bambačeraraō bhikku, niccaso parivajjāe.*
- *Uttara. A. 16, Gā. 7*
6. *Duddha dahi vigaiō, āhārei abhikkhaṇaṁ. _ Arae ya tavokamme, pāvasamaṇe tti vucchai.*
- *Uttara. A. 17, Gā. 15*
7. *Abhikkhaṇaṁ nivigaiṁ gaya ya.*
- *Daś. Chū. 2. Gā. 7*
8. *Rasā pagāmaṁ na niseviyavvā, pāyaṁ rasā dittikarā garāṇaṁ.*
- *Uttara. A. 32, Gā. 10*
9. *Vigaiṁ nijjahaṇaṁ kare.*
- *Uttara. A. 36, Gā. 255*
10. *Tao no kappati vāittae-avīṇīe, vigaipaḍibaddhe, avioṣaviā pāhuḍe.*
- *Bṛhat. U. 4*