(34) Pothi-Khana : Royal Library... (35) Palki-Khana : Palanquins Deptt. (36) Karkhana Punya : Incharge of the ecclesiastical rites performed
by the king. Except 3, 6, 14, 15, 17, 24, 29, 34, 36, none of these above mentioned Karkhanas seem to represent the new-form as referred to in the BV.
We now come to another manuscriptt which is a hand-book of different topics begining with a topographical account of India under the Mughal map. Though undated, it belongs to the 18th C, and has been discovered from Jaipur. One Dalpatinarayan is the author, who has disclosed his name on page 23rd of the manuscript: From:page 17 to 26 there is a separate section on the titles and duties of the Stateofficials and the names of the 37 Karkhanas. While quoting the Karkhanas he has given a comparative chart of the Persian and Hindi names of the departments. Possibly, the necessity for supplying such a comparative chart might have arisen to facilitate indentification of the new-names quoted against their previous 'Sambhodan'. This work contains the following chart of the Karkhanas.
शय्यागार मज्जनागार देवायतन पुस्तकालय चित्रागार भैषज्यागार फलागार कोष्टागार
सुखसेजषाना कुप्पशाला गुसल्लषाना, हम्माम काश्यागार तसबीहषाना महानस किताबषाना जलगृह तसवीरषाना
तांबूलगृह दवाईषाना
प्रतिश्रय मेवाषाना
क्रयशाला जषीरा, अंबार सीवनागार कोठार
नेपथ्यागार मोदीषाना खुशबोईषाना यानशाला सौंधाषाना रंगषाना
पालकागार जरगरषाना
दारुकर्मालय जवाहिरषाना दीपिकागार कोरषाना, सिलहषाना लेखशाला फराशषाना
रिकाबषाना ठठेरवाना बबरचीषाना रसौड़ा प्राबदारषाना, पारणोरा तंबोलषाना बिलगोरषाना, लंगर इबतियाषाना किरकिराखाना तोशकवाना, कपडदारा
महौषधीशाला सुगंधाकार
वर्णागार कलादागार रत्नागार प्रहरणकोश संस्तरागार
पालकोषाना. पातिमबंदषाना शमै, चिरागवाना दफतरषाना शिकारखाना
+ Rajasthan Oriental Research Institute, Jodhpur Ms. No. 17727.
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