खर-फरुस (खर-परुष)-शिला आदि के गिरने पर होने वाली वेदना के सदृश होने से खर तथा कूष्माण्डी तलवार की धार वाले पत्ते के समान कर्कश स्पर्श वाली परुष-कठोर।
पयंड (प्रचण्ड)-शीघ्र ही समग्र शरीर में व्याप्त हो जाने वाली।
घोर (घोर)- यदि औदारिक शरीर में ऐसी वेदना हो जाये तो वह शीघ्र ही नष्ट हो जाता है। वैक्रिय शरीर होने के कारण वे उसे जीवन पर्यन्त भोगते हैं।
बीहणग (भीषणक)- भयानक-भयजनक। दारुण (दारुण)-अत्यन्त विकट।
देवों की भाँति नारकों का शरीर भी वैक्रिय होता है। आयुष्य पूर्ण हुए बिना-अकाल में इस शरीर का अन्त + नहीं होता। परमाधामी उस शरीर के टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर देते हैं तथापि वह पारे की तरह फिर जुड़ जाता है।
Elaboration - Often the sufference is of two types—one that provides pleasure and the other that provides pain. The feelings of hellish beings
is only full of pain. No proper words are available to express their fi dreadful feelings of pain. Still in order to provide some understanding
about their condition many words have been used in the scriptures (Agams). The meanings of these words is as follows____Ujjal-That which does not contain even an iota of happiness.
Bal-viyul-Very strong and spreading throughout the body. Utkat-Reaching the extreme limit.
Khar-pharus-Dreadful like that experienced at the time of fall of a ___large slab on one's body and dangerous in touch like a sharp-edge leaf.
Payand-That spreads in the body very soon.
Ghor-The pain that is capable of destroying the physical body in case it occurs there. But in hell the body being fluid, the hellish beings endure it throughout their life.
Beehanak-Dreadful. Daarim-Extremely unbearable.
The hellish beings possess fluid body like that of gods. They do not die without completing their destined life-span. The demon gods cut that body into pieces. But it again joins like particles of mercury.
श्र.१, प्रथम अध्ययन :हिंसा आश्रव
Sh.1, First Chapter : Violence Aasrava |
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